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CSS Target Selector

ยท 2 min read

I learned about a really nifty CSS psuedo-class, the :target selector.

Using the :target selector you can style elements when they are "targeted" by a hyperlink (aka an anchor). This is denoted with the octothorp (#) + element name trailing the URL.

So in part to facilitate users without JavaScript enabled and because it's a neat trick, I used this CSS selector to make a reader mode toggle that doesn't require JavaScript.

Try it out Toggle it back

*this will not work if your browser has it's own "reader mode" enabled

note the URL when toggling reader mode, when enabled the #reader element is being appended to the URL.

How it works

Here is the markup for the toggle link:

<!DOCTYPE html>
background: #000;
color: #FFF;

color: #000;
background: #FFF;

:target .enabled, .disabled
display: none;

:target .disabled, .enabled
display: inline;
<body id="reader">
<a class="enabled" href="#reader">Try it out</a>
<a class="disabled" href="#">Toggle it back</a>

Starting in the CSS the body is styled with white (#FFF) text on a black (#00) background. Then there is the first :target selector that swaps the colors so that it's not black text on a white background. This CSS becomes "active" when the URL has #reader appended to it. Because the body element has the id of reader it then becomes targeted and thus selected with the :target psuedo-class.

The .disabled and .enabled CSS classes are to "toggle" the link so that you can select and deselect the #reader element easily.

Copy the code from above, paste it into a file (e.g. index.html) and try it out for yourself!