Inspired by I decided to share my current computer setup.
After much deliberation between the 2018 Dell XPS 13, Huawei Matebook X Pro, Lenovo X1, I decided on a lesser known computer namely the ThinkPenguin y=mx+b or if you want to get technical the Clevo N141WU. Mine is configured with an intel core i7-8550U, with a single stick of 16GB DDR4 2400MHz Crucial Ram (with a spare slot), and a Samsung 970 EVO NVMe M.2 SSD.
Operating System
I use [Debian] linux, this is the only OS installed on my computer. If something breaks I need to figure out how to fix it or I won't have a computer to use, this an excellent motivator ;)
As a learning exercise I installed only the basics to necessary to boot, then installed and configured each component individually.
Window Manager
I use Calm Window Manager, which is the default window manager for OpenBSD. The man page for cwm is well written, I've customized a few things in my .cwmrc file
I am using compton for transparent colors and fading when opening or closing windows. This program hasn't been updated in a while but it's working beautifully for now.
I am using st from This is included in the Debian stable repo, but to get the most out of it you should compile it yourself from source. The trick I learned here is apt-get build-dep packagename. A huge time saver when you are trying to find all the miscellaneous libraries necessary to compile said package from source.
I am using two truetype fonts.
Font Awesome 4 for displaying icons in the status bar and mononoki as my everything else monospaced font
feh with the --bg-fill option. I get my backgrounds from
Other Software
Programs I use daily
- Rofi (Application Launcher)
- xbindkeys (Key Mapping)
- xsecurelock (Screen Lock)
- pass (Password Manager)
- Firefox
- Spotify
- vim
Status Bar
bar by LemonBoy with TTF font support. A bash script that pipes information to be displayed, updated every 2 seconds
Backing up my scripts and dotfiles
GNU stow and github
The next time I decide to re-install nix and load my dotfiles, I can simply type:
git pull ~/dotfiles && cd ~/dotfiles && stow .
or for my scripts:
git pull ~/bin
My Dotfiles
You can find my dotfiles here from github